Keep up to date with beekeeping news around the state with our digital New Mexico Beekeepers Association Newsletter.
In this issue:
- In the mind of a bee- Lars Chittka presentation summary
-Hive Necropsies: what dead colonies and tell us- Dr. Wu-Smart presentation summary - Seasonal efficacy of current varroa treatments – Dr. Cameron Jack presentation summary
- Nutritional ecology of honey bees in a changing landscape – Dr. Juliana Rangel presentation summary
- Using fungi to aid bee health – Dr. Nick Naeger presentation summary
- Planting for pollinators in New Mexico – Kaitlin Haase presentation summary
- Silent auction success!
- ABQ Beeks update
- Certified beekeeping program update
- Interview with beekeeper Amy Owen
- Welcome our new board members-at-large
In this issue:
- All-Star Cast for Virtual Webinar Feb 4th
- Change in leadership
- CBeeks closes out the beekeeping year
- Messy and wild gardening in, manicured lawns out
- Talking about bees in T or C
- Honey sweet honey is the reward
- Mentoring vets for Hives for Heroes
- Desert Hives, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Aveole get together for bees
- Indian Arts Institute students learn beekeeping
- Dr. Dewey Caron talks Varroa
- and much more
In this issue:
- Summer Workshop and Conference at IAIA in Santa Fe
- New board member Rosabeth (Rosy) Link
- New Mexico State Fair news
- Club news around New Mexico
- Certified Beekeeper Education Program graduates a new class of beekeepers
- Adapting a Lang frame for a Top Bar hive by Christa Coggins
- Poetry by Amy Owen
- Fall honey harvesting by Anita Amstutz
- and much more
In this issue:
- Olivia Messinger Carril, co-author of “The Bees in Your Backyard,” and Santa Fe resident, is interviewed by Anita Amstutz of Think Like a Bee.
- Jade McLellan, a biologist with a degree in Sustainability Studies, tells us how we as beekeepers can re-frame our management decisions to consider wild bees and the global environment.
- Courtney Bradley and Allison Moore offer us their expertise on planting for pollinators.
- Amy Owen of Desert Hives LLC speaks to pesticide applicators at their own conference.
NMBKA and associate clubs Paseo Del Norte Beekeepers and ABQ Beeks volunteers set up an educational table at the baseball stadium and talked bees for hours.
In this issue:
- A deep-dive into the cons and pros of package bees by Santa Fe apiarist John Gagne
- Complete coverage of NMBKA’s Winter Conference and online auction
- Siberian elm trees redeemed: The bees’ first pollen source
- A complete guide to Southwest gardening by TJ Carr
- A bird in southern Africa teams with honey hunters to find hives
- A northern NM beekeeper keeps bees in an attic
- Equipment designer TJ Carr has a clever upgrade to the humble Boardman feeder
- Who ya gonna call? See your 2022 bee season swarm list
- A landowner invites beekeepers to place hives on their land
- And much more
In this issue:
- Winter Conference: View Our All-Star Cast for Virtual Webinar Feb 5, 2022
- Research: What Type Hive is Best for Honey Bee Health
- Feature: Winter Prep – Helping Our Bees Get Through the Season
- Interview: A Chat with TJ Carr
- Column: Gardening with Agastache Hyssop
- Outreach: Pollinator Plant Giveaway in UNM Neighborhood
- Sustainability: Managing Honey Bees in a Changing World
- Happenings: Beekeepers Have Been Busy in Southern New Mexico
- Photo page: Magical Sunflowers in a Las Cruces Garden
- And much more
In this issue:
- Rio Arriba County Fair
- New Mexico State Fair
- Reviews of Summer Conference
- Fun with Silent Auction
- Bees as Seeds
- Embracing the Weeds
- Remembering Clara de la Torre
- Murder Hornets
- Piping Queen: An Opera in G-sharp Minor
- Welcome our new Secretary-Anita Feil
- And much more
In this issue:
- Summer Conference information
- Hives for Heroes
- The Unsexy Topic of Pesticides and Bees
- Saving a Colony Exposed to Pesticides
- Tis the Season to Get Stung, Are You Ready?
- Ornamental Alliums – the Sparkle Effect
- Beekeeping Organizations in New Mexico
- Report a Swarm
- And much more
In this issue:
- Get Your Bees Off to a Good Start in Spring
- Welcome New 2021 NMBKA Board Members
- A chat with Randy Swartz
- Penstemons – Jewels of the Southwest Landscape
- Looking back at the 2021 Winter Conference
- Where to report a swarm
In this issue:
Winter solstice greetings to you, our members!
Attached is your 2020 Winter Newsletter, packed with pictures,
beekeeping stories, and research. Here are some highlights:
- Our 2021 February conference coming your way via Zoom
- Announcing your new and improved website
- No-fear facts about murder hornets
- Heat vs chemicals to deal with mites
- Taking care where your bees come from
- Progress on neonics legislation and the senator sponsoring
- Les Crowder on getting to know your bees
- Mahonia – an evergreen to admire year round
- Harvesting your honey – Lang or top bar, it’s never easy, always rewarding
Winter solstice greetings to you, our members!
Attached is your 2020 Winter Newsletter, packed with pictures,
beekeeping stories, and research. Here are some highlights:
Our 2021 February conference coming your way via Zoom
Announcing your new and improved website
No-fear facts about murder hornets
Heat vs chemicals to deal with mites
Taking care where your bees come from
Progress on neonics legislation and the senator sponsoring it
NMBKA Newsletter September 2020
In this issue:
- Bears invade apiaries and some methods to deter them
- How Les Crowder controls mites without chemicals
- Vitex trees invite bees to feast
- Neonics kill bees! Check out actions in progress to restrict or ban their use
- Detailed instructions: How to build your own observation hive
- Ever get stung on your face? You aren’t alone
- Do fireworks make for angry bees
- Check out links to the Pollination Celebration presentations
- Our past president Jessie Brown receives a Lifetime Achievement Award
In this issue:
- Varroa and COVID-19
- Generational Beekeeping
- Pollinator Protection License Plate
- Nepeta-Perennial voted most likely to succeed
In this issue:
- Managing Africanized Bees
- Prepping for Splits
- Rosemary, a Bee Favorite
- Report a Swarm contacts
In this issue:
- Albuquerque Kicks off “Bee City” Summer
- Growing up on Bosque Farm
- Field Day: Bees and Oregano
- Beekeeping in the Yucatan
In this issue:
- Annual Meeting
- Beekeeping in the Zuni Mountains
- Solar Wax Melter
- Beeks Around NM
- ABF/AHPA National Conference
NMBKA Newsletter December 2016
In this issue:
- Report from the Charles Mark Apitherapy Course and Conference
- Beeks Around NM
- Bees in the Classroom
- 2017 Annual Meeting
NMBKA Newsletter September 2016
In this issue:
- It’s Official, Albuquerque is a “Bee City USA”
- NM State Fair
- Honey Beer
- Test for Varroa Mites
- Top Bar Harvest Time
- Book Review: Safe to Chew
In this issue:
- Beekeeper Travel Diary: Toulouse, France
- Bee Aware Day in New Mexico
- ABQ Sites Protect Pollinators
- Matching Beekeepers and Farmers
In this issue:
- 2016 Annual Meeting Recap, Jessie Brown
- Changing Seasons, Changing Habits, Protecting Pollinators, Anita Amstutz
- Make Money Beekeeping, Joe Wesbrook
- The Art of the Cut-Out, Mike Kruchoski
- AHPA Spotlights Bee Health, Honey Quality, Raymond Espinoza
NMBKA Newsletter December 2015
In this issue:
- NMBKA Annual Meeting with Guest Author, Mark Winston
- A New Mexico Beekeeper in Texas, Megan Mahoney
- Message from the President, Jessie Brown
- Teaching in Nicaragua, Melanie Kirby
- Make Money Beekeeping, Joe Wesbrook
- The Art of the Cut-Out: Part 2, Mike Kruchoski
- Photos by John Denne
In this issue:
- Take Action for Pollinators, by Loretta McGrath
- Message from the President, by Jessie Brown
- Extracting Honey From a Langstroth Hive, by Craig Noorlander
- Roadside Attractions: Yellow Flowers of Fall, by Kate Whealen and Betty Sperlich
- The Art of the Cut-Out, by Mike Kruchoski
- Upcoming Events
In this issue
- The Brood Squad, by Melanie Kirby
- Message from the President, by Jessie Brown
- Make Money From Your Beekeeping, by Joe Wesbrook
- Featured Photographer, John Denne
- Upcoming Events
- Honeybee Survey
In this issue:
- 2015 NM Beekeepers Annual Mtg Review, by Jessie Brown
- Think Global, Breed Local, by Melanie Kirbie
- Beekeeping in New Mexico, Part two of four, by Janet Yagoda
- Apiary Location, by Phill Remick
- The Beekeeper in Winter, by Paul Kline
- American Beekeeping Federation, A New Bee’s Perspective, by Mike Nakamura
- Featured Photographer, Randy Swartz
In this issue:
- The history of beekeeping in NM
- An update on Small Hive Beetle
- The Certified Beekeepers Apprentice Program
- Find out our guest speaker for our Annual Meeting, Feb 6-7, 2015
- Prize winning honeybee images from the NM State Fair
In this issue:
- Meet the new President, Jessie Brown
- Topbar and Langstroth
- What is Certified Beeks?
In this issue:
- Bees in the news
- Meet our Board Member Nominations for 2013
- The Western Apicultural Society is coming to NM
In this issue:
- We reveal the Guest Speaker for the Annual Meeting in January, 2013
- Read the draft of Bylaws that we will be voting on in January, 2013
- Get involved in our First Ever Swap Meet